
How to Join

To join send a formal request to Below you can find an example of request letter attached. 

The Founding Members will evaluate the requests to join the Task Force and will present new potential candidates on the occasion of the Expert Group Meetings.

To download a sample of the formal request for the applier click here 

 The EECTF Affiliation Process is composed of three Stages

how to join to eectf process
Permanent Membership

Founding Members can decide from case to case on the opportunity to strengthen the collaboration of new potential members by undersigning a formal Memorandum of Understanding. The main characteristics of Permanent Membership are:

  • Organization with an internationally acknowledged and a broad view on issues related to electronic crime at European level;
  • Highly representative groups, standing for a whole area of interest, which could discuss about instances on cyber crime coming from its relevant domain, such as Associations, Institutions, etc.;
  • Law enforcement agencies active in Europe, either at national level or cross-border.

Duties and Capabilities

Participation is based on Information Shared, Non Competition between partner of the same commercial sector and proactivity on participation to EECTF meeting and activities.

In particular, each Permanent Member is required, on a voluntary basis, to:

EECTF European Electronic Crime Task Force Plenary Meetings

Actively participate to the EECTF meetings, both Plenary Meetings and Expert Group Meetings where organizational issues are discussed and technical analyses are presented

EECTF European Electronic Crime Task Force Goals

Contribute to define main goals and activities of the Task Force

EECTF European Electronic Crime Task Force Contribute

Support the EECTF activities, contributing to the development of planned researches and analyses in terms of expertise, knowledge, project management skills and fund raising capabilities

EECTF European Electronic Crime Task Force Sharing

Support the EECTF activities, contributing to the development of planned researches and FFanalyses in terms of expertise, knowledge, project management skills and fund raising capabilities