

Established on June 30, 2009

The EECTF has been established on June 30, 2009 by an agreement between United States Secret Service, Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Poste Italiane, on the basis of the successful experiences of analogous ECTFs founded in USA by the Secret Service.

United States Secret Service participates through the Rome Office, the Italian Ministry of Interior participates through the Service of Postal and Telecommunications Police and Poste Italiane participates through the Information Security Department.

Initially restricted to the only Founder Members, the EECTF has been opened thereafter to the main stakeholders in cybercrime.


EECTF’s mission is to support the analysis and the development of best practices against Cyber Crime in European Countries

EECTF’s mission is to support the analysis and the development of best practices against Cyber Crime in European Countries through the creation of a strategic alliance between law enforcement, academia, legal, and private sector entities.

EECTF can help the Cyber Security Community by:

  • Strengthening relationships between the different players;
  • Training and supporting members through sharing expertise and knowledge;
  • Enabling an effective communication channel for information exchange;
  • Maintaining co-operation on a technical and operational level


Our services run deep and are backed by over ten years of experience.

The Task Force has been established on June 30th 2009 and a governance model has been set up by the Founding Members, according to which, invitation to participate has been opened thereafter to the main stakeholders playing a lead role in countering cyber crime.

Constituency of the Task Force is made up of Founder Members, Permanent Members and the Community of Professionals. The Chairman of EECTF is Poste Italiane that is in charge of coordinating the activities of EECTF, presides over meetings of the assembled group, represents the Task Force to the outside world and acts as its spokesperson. Chairman of EECTF is selected by Founder Members and his mandate is renewed annually.

Founder & Permanent Member

Founder Members steer the activities of the Task Force to accomplish its general mission, define main goals and strategies, identifying new projects, research activities and collaboration proposals, approve new affiliations and agreements and the activity plan and accordingly manage the Task Force’s resources.

Permanent Members proactively share information within the Task Force in a non-competitive environment, contribute to define main goals and activities of the task force, actively participate to the EECTF meetings and support the development of the Task Force, contributing to planned initiatives in terms of expertise, knowledge, project management skills and fund raising capabilities.

Permanent members come from Law Enforcement, Government, Finance, Research & Development, ICT and Security sector. No fee is required to become Permanent Member.

EECTF Community

The EECTF Community is composed of members among Law Enforcement Agencies, Public Institutions, Banks and Financial Intermediaries, ICT and consultancy organization. The Community is continuously updated by EECTF Members and actually counts more than 200 members.

The community representatives attend quarterly plenary meetings, are evaluated as a basis for potential new members and receive briefs of research outputs.

Join to EECTF

The Three Stages EECTF Affiliation Process

Duties and Responsabilities

Participation is based on Information Shared, Non Competition between partner of the same commercial sector and proactivity on participation to EECTF meeting and activities.

Find How to Join Us